Sunday 28 February 2016

Gnocchi Night

This lovely dish was an improvisation.  

The plan was to make a variation of an old family favourite, the economical but tasty Hamburger Stroganoff.  The dish that I created was a pure delight.  I used a package of ground chicken, a chopped onion and some garlic, and the quintessentially convenient can of cream of chicken soup.  

But then, I decided I wanted some gnocchi (not egg noodles or potatoes) to go with it.  I spontaneously threw some green ingredients in... I added a good handful of chopped baby spinach and some frozen peas into the boiling water for a minute before I stirred it altogether.  My goodness, was it ever good!

Sometimes, improvising in the kitchen can do more than help you unwind at the end of a crazy day at work... it can result in a surprisingly delicious and extremely satisfying dish.

Try it, you'll like it.  
And then you'll want another bowl.